Students of all ages, starting at age 5, can come to us for guitar lessons.

In addition, both beginners and intermediates are very welcome to join our school. The contents of the lessons are shaped by instrument techniques and musical theory.

During the first few lessons we work in an auditory manner. This means that we play and learn through hearing and feeling, as that is how a connection to the instrument is best developed. The accompanying advantage here is that the student will be able to play fun and well-known songs really quickly, usually even after the first lesson.

Gradually the focus shifts to playing chords and learning about notes. This enables the student to soon play his favourite songs or musical pieces!

Needless to say, the lessons will pay careful attention to posture, instrument technique and musical theory.

As soon as the student has gone through a few months’ worth of lessons (and practices regularly), it is already possible to participate in combo’s, or even whole ensembles, with other students.

Nothing beats making music together!

Towards the end of the teaching season, guitar school Elger hosts a student concert where all students can showcase their newfound instrument abilities. Everyone is free to join, even if you have only gone through a handful of lessons. 

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